The Power of Black Support

Black people worldwide within the past few decades have improved collectively by leaps and bounds. From black women in America being the most educated demographic, having the first African-American President, our accomplishments athletically, the end of apartheid, recognition for our contributions to the arts and sciences plus so much more. Black people have been hitting the target in so many fields, and yet it seems that the fruits of our progress are not necessarily always fully reaped.

Maybe it’s because of who we support. We are notorious as a people for not supporting one another as we should, but when we do support it seems as if we don’t support those who are down for the cause.

I’ve probably made some people mad with my opening statements, but let me try to paint the picture with a brush more suitable for illustrating what I mean without individuals trying to crucify the artist.

Let’s look at a few examples of some members of the black community whom we love and support, but who don’t seem to return the favour.

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